Traffic Engineering Registrations and Certifications
Texas Board of Professional Engineers
According to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, “Under the Texas Engineering Practice Act, only duly licensed persons may legally perform, or offer to perform engineering services for the public. Furthermore, public works must be designed and constructed under the direct supervision of a licensed professional engineer. The terms “engineer” or “professional engineer” can only be used by persons who are currently licensed. Anyone who violates these parameters is subject to legal penalties…To be eligible for a professional engineering license, engineers must have achieved certain professional milestones. They must have earned an engineering education, performed certain levels of engineering work experience, and passed specific examinations.”
JKnesek & Associates, Inc., Firm #10428
Jason Knesek, P.E. #96460
Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers
Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
Small Business Program
METRO’s Small Business Program applies to certain eligible contracts (federally and locally funded) and is a goal-oriented program, requiring contractors who receive contracts from METRO to use Good-Faith Efforts to utilize certified small business firms. METRO Program.